Terms and Conditions
By using our website, you accept our terms and conditions below, which may be amended from time to time. Please check back regularly for updates.
Firstly, users must represent themselves honestly on this Site. Members put a lot of effort into writing their profiles, and into trying to find the right person. Misleading or lying to another member takes up their valuable time and resources and can also stop them from taking up other opportunities. Keep it honest.
If you want to get saucy, our Site may not be the best place. There are messaging services for that. Please, ABSOLUTELY NO NUDES, especially on our front page. Members can be banned for this.
When addressing trans women, also, keep it respectful. Remember. They are people who live as women, and are not mere sex objects. Please do not use the word 'shemale' as it can be very disrespectful. And f your first message to them contains a selfie of your *ock, you have only yourself to blame for your lack of success.
Please use decent language when speaking to others on our Site. Swearing, derogatory, or violent language will not be accepted.
The physical safety of our members is our concern. Pls consider meeting in a public space the first time, to make sure you are comfortable with each other. Any notifications of physical harassment to our Site may reult in bans ad notifications to relevant authorities, including the supply of IP addresses.
No member is allowed to ask another member for money on our website. Please report any member that does this. If it is proven that this has occurred, suspensions or bans will take place. Where we have all kinds of people on our website, and some are from poorer places, remember that they survived before they met you, and they will keep on surviving.
We do not accept the advertising of sexual services on our website. We are a relationship building site, and are totally against people trafficking, so please do not place ads for money on our website as it attracts the wrong types of people. Thank you.
Any member may be refunded their annual membership if they cancel their membership in the first 24 hours. Refunds will be given in full, less any PayPal transfer and administration fees. Cancellations outside of the first 24 hours will not attract a refund.
Rights of The Site
The Site has the right to make changes to it's structure. It also has the right to change fees from time to time, but will never automatically ad any increases to your account. We do not do automatic renewals and so, you will never get any surprises. We are a social Site anyway, and operate at a very low profit, simply to give people the chance to meet.
Continuation of Service
The Site must operate 99.9 percent of the time, without interruption. We must notify you of any planned outages and make good, by way of FREE EXTRA DAYS, any failing of our technology on our part. There may be some brief moments (as with any other electronic business) where technology fails us, so please be forgiving.
SIte Ownership
Should the Site ever change hands, we must notify you a minimum of 2 weeks prior. Any new operator must adhere to, and continue our strict policies about your privacy, and cannot increase fees until the end of your subscriptions.
Admittance or Continuation of Members
The Site reserves the right to admit whom ever it wishes, to deny membership or usage to whom ever it wishes and to ban or suspend memberships as it sees fit, with no correspondence needing to be entered into. It really would be very rare for us to do anything like this, but we must retain the right to keep our Site community safe. We hope you understand.
Thank You for taking the time to read.
The TGDaters.com Team
We write rarely, but only the best content.
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